Tuesday, January 29, 2013


I did the Myers-Briggs personality test again today. I am an INFJ, still. 1% of the population shares this with me. I think I keep taking this test in the hopes that I will begin to become part of the majority if I try hard enough. But why? As I go about my business of being a 30 year old who still doesn't know what she wants to be when she grows up, I, believe it or not, take comfort in the fact that I'm different. There are not that many people like me. That's pretty awesome. God created me to be an individual and He apparently really keyed in the individual portion when He made me. How amazing is that realization? So, I'll go about my merry way and continue trying to live to the best of my abilities. I want to be excellent. I want to teach people. I want to share my passion and help people FEEL what I feel about social justice. I want to show God's love to people in a way that communicates His love IN love. I want to change the world. And, my friends, you might not believe me...but I will.